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NBGA’s starter guide to Afrofuturistic speculative fiction

NBGA’s starter guide to Afrofuturistic speculative fiction

When we dream and theorize, we are often building an alternate reality in our minds. A world for us to exist safely and as we see fit. For many BIPOC navigating an imperialist society, it’s not uncommon to cultivate and adopt alternative modalities to move through. Afrofuturism explores the ways in which Black thinkers imagine an existence radically different from the one we inhabit corporeally. The term, first coined by Mark Dery in 1993, encompasses a wide range of imaginative art, music, and culture from Black creators.

The study of Afrofuturism also allows us to confront certain aspects of our reality through a fantastical lens, a concept often explored through literature and science fiction. The following Afrofuturistic readings from Black women and non-binary writers inhabit the expansive world of speculative fiction while exploring themes of identity, intersectionality, mortality, magical realism, and surrealism.

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