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Can your mood actually affect the way your skin looks?

Can your mood actually affect the way your skin looks?

Whenever something seems to go wrong in life, there’s a sort of domino effect that can occur. You become stressed about a work presentation and the next day you wake up with a huge zit on your face. You spill your coffee on the way to work and the next morning you notice an even more dry and dull appearance. This isn’t just pure coincidence, it’s actually your largest organ (your skin) reacting to how your mind is feeling at that particular moment. According to GK Dermatology, “There is often a chemical response in your body when it comes to emotions. Moods can reduce the skin’s ability to heal, increase cortisol levels in the bloodstream, weaken skin cells, interrupt collagen production, etc. These changes to your body will naturally result in a physical change to your skin”.  So what can exactly can we expect from our skin when we’re stressed out? What can we do to stop it?

What can happen to your skin when you’re stressed out?

To a certain extent, your emotions and the length of time they occur can play a role in how long your skin may react negatively. It can also allow for these skin issues to reoccur more often. There’s a reason they say stress is the worst for the skin. Issues may include acne, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, itching, and more. High cortisol levels weaken your skin cells. Collagen production is key to glowing, healthy, and age-defying skin.

Approaching these issues may require not just a visit to the dermatology office, but a change in your psychological and mental health as well. This is an inside out approach. Finding out what stresses you and trying to diminish these factors as much as possible can help you feel better and in turn, make your skin healthier. We recommend healing therapy, meditation, exercise, and reducing the things that make you anxious.

On the other hand, what can happen when you’re happy?

The mind-beauty connection is a lot deeper than you think. Depriving yourself of sleep and thinking negatively does damage to your skin over time. It may not all happen at once, but little by little (just like not wearing sunscreen) “stress aging” becomes a thing. Acne, fine lines, dullness, and other visible skins start to reflect the status of your mind.

Some dermatological practices key in on this balance. In NYC, Dr. Amy Wechsler focuses on bridging the gap between flawless skin and a happy mind. For her, “the skin, like the brain, is a command center, capable of affecting change inside the body and on the surface. Hormones also play an important role, as they control much of what we feel, good and bad. When they get out of balance or malfunction, numerous health problems can result, including a host of skin conditions.” It’s all about bringing your hormones into balance to restore your body’s natural self-healing capabilities and reverse stress aging. According to Glamour Magazine, happiness can make you glow for the stars. A good mood can come from many things, including sex, laughter, a balanced mood, and a good amount of sleep. The important thing to remember is that the imbalance in life is what causes fluctuations in everything, so keeping yourself stable will ultimately make your skin better. A little retinol to seal the deal won’t hurt either (wink, wink).

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