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The 101 on microneedling with PRP procedure

The 101 on microneedling with PRP procedure

The more technology advances, the more treatments we can take advantage of to keep our skin looking healthy and glowing. With a huge variety of procedures to choose from, one has proven time and time again that this takes the cake. Microneedling has grown in popularity over the past decade – and for good reason: it yields incredible results using your body’s own healing power.

To find out more about the trend of microneedling and to break down my own personal treatment, we spoke to the founders of JECT, a New York-based aesthetics brand, who gave us all we need to know about the way they do their procedure in their NYC office and why coming into the office is more worth it than doing it at home. Keep reading for more!

Who is a good candidate for the microneedling procedure? 

Nearly everyone can benefit from microneedling. It’s great for scarring, stretch marks, skin retexturizing, and reduced pore size.

How should you prepare for microneedling?

While no changes to your routine are needed prior to your microneedling procedure, plan for 5 – 7 days of social downtime following your appointment.

Please walk us through the procedure.

Topical numbing is applied beforehand, making it a very comfortable procedure. Tiny, vibrating needles create micro-traumas to the skin, inducing collagen formation through the body’s natural healing process. At Ject we use the SkinPen, the only FDA-approved micro-needling device.

Post-procedure instructions?

Use only a gentle cleanser, SPF, and a soothing moisturizer, free of fragrance or actives. A mineral-based SPF should be worn for the week following microneedling, even if indoors next to a window or in cloudy weather.  Avoid any active ingredients including retinol or chemical exfoliants until the peeling process is complete. Only medical grade makeup should be used for the first week following treatment. Avoid makeup brushes or sponges that can introduce bacteria to the area. 

How many treatments are necessary for good results?

3 – 6 treatments are recommended for best results, followed by annual maintenance. 

When can you expect to see results? 

Skin will be red and peeling, similar to sunburn, for approximately 7 days following the procedure. After this time, skin texture should appear smoother with a reduced pore appearance and overall glow.

My Personal Experience with Microneedling at JECT NYC

As someone with light acne scarring and hyperpigmentation, I knew that microneedling with PRP would be the perfect decision for someone like me. It’s extremely beneficial for collagen production and to speed up your skin’s natural healing process. The purpose of this treatment is to generate new collagen and skin tissue for smoother, firmer, more toned skin. Microneedling is mostly used on the face (although it can be used on the body) and may treat various scars, wrinkles, and large pores. A device using tiny needles punctures the skin and activates your skin’s repair mode.

I personally underwent the procedure with a PRP add-on. With this, a person’s blood is drawn and their platelet-rich plasma is separated using a machine. This is then applied topically to speed up healing and improve results. The plasma promotes healing.

It’s important to note that getting the procedure done in a medical setting will cost around $300 to $1000 per treatment depending on where you are. For those of you that want to try micro-needling at home, the office treatment might give you more bang for your buck. The machine that’s used has needles that go directly into the skin, versus rolling on your face. The at-home roller, if used correctly, can yield minor results, but more often than not, it can cause you to have more scarring because it rolls horizontally onto the skin.

First, a topical numbing cream was applied to my face. My blood was drawn for the PRP from my arm and I waited for the topical to absorb. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d say the pain was around a 3. Dependent on skin sensitivity, you could walk out looking completely normal or a little bit red. Over the next few days, you’ll start to get some microscopic-looking scabbing on your face. This will start to clear up or you may start to peel. It’s important to not peel your own skin off, as the skin underneath has not yet fully formed. Once you’re done, over time, you’ll notice gorgeous, glowing skin. I personally saw reduced acne, reduced pore size, and cannot wait for my next treatment!

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